Ever since starting this class I have really tried to force myself in going to bed earlier. I have started to get in the habit of doing so and I just lay in bed starring at the ceiling and I really don't fall asleep not until like 12:30 or 1 in the morning. I don't wake up in the middle of night and I'm starting to remember my dreams more vividly but when I wake up to get ready for the day, man I just feel dead tired. I just want to take a nap everywhere and I tell myself every morning that tonight for sure I'm going to bed early, but I never do it and the next day is the same thing. During sleep I feel like my sleeping cycle has improved but I'm just not getting enough hours to feel fully rested. It's still a work in progress.
-Kirk out
Hi Oscar, I'm sorry you feel so tired during the day. But you're not alone! Just look around you to see all the "zombies" that are similarly wishing they could nap. I guess what I would say is that perhaps you should analyze what the few hours leading up to your sleep are like. Are you snacking too late at night? Drinking caffeine? Are you active (playing sports or working out) too late, so that your heart is still at an accelerated rate? Are you playing video games or watching videos late? Try to pinpoint some of your lifestyle choices to see if you can get to snoozin' earlier as planned.