Monday, September 21, 2015

Captain's Readings

So when reading the articles for this weeks class, I actually fell asleep while reading the articles. I felt over worked with homework and all I wanted to do it just nap and forget about the world. As Americans, it always seems like we are just working, working, working, and more working. We never stop, we work more than any other 1st world country in the world (Klein). But is working our butts off really worth it? People need rest, a vacation, and for some of us a vacation means sleeping enough hours and getting enough rest to continue without being over stressed and tired. Many people don't take advantage of vacation days that they get (Rosenbloom). Many people think that taking a time to rest actually makes them fall behind in work. As a college student I know exactly how those people feel. Sometimes you think that going to bed early or not staying up doing as much work as possible is actually not that efficient as a student. But in reality it is, the more rest and more sleep a person gets, the more efficient and productive they will be.
-Kirk out

 Klein, Ezra. "Keeping up Is Getting Us down." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 15 July 2007. Web. 21 Sept. 2015. 
Rosenbloom, S. (2006, August 9). Please Don’t Make Me Go on Vacation. Retrieved September 21, 2015.

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