Monday, September 14, 2015

Captain's Readings

So this weeks readings focus on hospitals and the affects of an overnight stay at a hospital can have in a patient. In class we have talked about how sleep deprivation can have a tremendous affect in one's health. Seeing and reading about experts that have done studies that show that getting enough sleep can improve healing in the body has really opened my eyes and made me pay attention on my sleeping habits. It's essential to be in the best health you can possibly be, so how come hospitals don't use sleep in their advantage to help heal patients? The ICU is where all the patients that are walking in a fine thread between life and death go to get the best treatment they can get in order to live (Rubin). Yet they can't get a good night's rest and sufficient hours to let their bodies heal. Also patients who stay overnights at hospitals who don't get enough sleep tend to be more rude towards doctors and nurses, and struggle in taking medications because of their lack of sleep (Luthra). I have never stayed in a hospital overnight but if I did I would want there to be peace in quite because being sick or injured can affect your thought process and it's hard to fall asleep while you're stressing out.
-Kirk out

Rubin, Rita. Good night, sleep tight, turn off hospital lights - (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2015.

 Luthra, S. (n.d.). For Hospitals, Sleep And Patient Satisfaction May Go Hand In Hand. Retrieved September 13, 2015. 

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